Thursday, February 3, 2011

Schnauzers Enlarged Heart

Berlin - City of Women - Experiences and results

are the key words for the balance of Berlin City of women

principles: develop long term strategic alliances
continuity and constant communication
Feedback and flexibility
objectives topics:
Working women - own livelihood
Equal pay - just reward - exemplify good work
wife expertise in leadership
urban space for women - safe places - no violence against women
democracy 1st and participation

projects and achievements _ civil society and government together

Women need equal pay
equal pay - Berlin is participating in the Equal Pay Day
equal pay for equal work - first in the Berlin administration

second Women are in all panels
State Equal Treatment Act
for 20 years
now in November novella more detailed women in committees and boards of directors, cast on boards, in politics as well
Federal Initiative 40% -
supervisory boards 9.4 to 42%
in the high country service 33 -44%

third Women must be present in the city
success stories should wife also
award Berlin Women's price every year
tell Berlin entrepreneurs Price
Berlin Women's Salon Delicatessen
portraits of women in the media

4th Women need their own (protected) places
woman infrastructure will
adapt to the requirements - they are attractive to young women?
adapt to the places that young women seek

5th Landesintitiave equality in the economy
partners from the Chamber of Commerce, trade unions ...
Broad alliance
embed economy! try
While the ministers in the federal government had yet to be debated for years while we do the easy!
Diversity brochure, debates
new approach to the economy and labor market report
it must then also pay Ms un men are charged Gender Mainstreaming
practical approach
review of promotion policy - jobs for women

6th Encourage enterprise, family-friendly work schedules to try
reconciling work and family is in business development, marketing actively promoted

7th Girls Day - Activities for girls

8th Violence is out of the bag
campaigns in the company
action of the Senator site

9th Policy on women's education =
women at the Berlin universities
promotions by nearly thirteen percent (from 38.2 to 46.9 %) Habilitation by 8.6 percent (from 23.6 to 32.2%)
The scientific and artistic staff at universities is the percentage of women by almost six percent (from 35.2 to 41.6% ) increased. The Neuberufungsquote in the chairs since 2006, the average is 40 percent. Thus, the proportion of women has increased by almost 14 percent (from 13.5 to 27.5%).
Berlin thus takes a leading position in Germany. In comparison to 2000 in 2009 were absolutely 403 professors in addition to research and teaching (professors in 2000: 347, 2009:750).

10th Diversity of women's visible make
compartment of immigrant women,
prices for companies with diversity

11th Fighting poverty

12th Land Equality Programme
in all other departments

13th State Equal Treatment Act

14th Gender mainstreaming office


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