"More pride, their women!" Femmage of Hedwig Dohm Scenic Reading of texts by Hedwig Dohm (1831-1919)
With Nikola Müller & Isabel Rohner (Hedwig Dohm Edition)
and Gerd Buurmann (actor)
love networkers!
Already Hedwig Dohm? And if so, what do you know about them?
Hedwig Dohm (1831-1919) was not only groundbreaking pioneer of women's emancipation
in Germany (one of the first requested it in 1873 to vote for women), but also a writer - and one of the most innovative, versatile and most famous writers and journalists of 19. and early 20 Century. Today they are known mostly only as a grandmother of Katie Mann - too little, as we find. We will call back to mind Dohm and bring them at last in the canon. We, that Nikola Müller MA (historian) and Dr. Isabel Rohner (Germanist). Since 2006, we give Hedwig Dohm's work in a scholarly complete edition of
Edition Hedwig Dohm (www.hedwigdohm.de) out. Because even though it was Hedwig Dohm to
lifetime one of the most successful authors of her time, until today, there is no complete edition of her work. In the edition of Hedwig Dohm so far are the reader Selected texts on Dohm's 175th Birthday and the novels published Sibilla Dalmar, destinies a soul and Christa Ruland (all in the transformer-Verlag Berlin,
http://www.trafoberlin.de/ ). Collection of letters letters from the backwater has just been published.
Edition Hedwig Dohm, ed. Nikola Müller MA and Dr. Isabel Rohner,
more books - political essays and sketches, short stories, fairy tales and plays
- will follow. All volumes contain an introduction and an appendix with
comments, contemporary reviews, etc.
But that's not all: We Hedwig Dohm also set in front of the public scene because their lyrics have lost none of its freshness and relevance. Life and work are presented in staged readings, along with the presenter and actor Gerd Buurmann leading entertaining and enlightening through the organization and the roles of prominent anti-feminists (Eg, Friedrich Nietzsche and Georg Groddeck) slips. About fifty times we have been able to inspire people with our presentation of history, science and entertainment for Hedwig Dohm. "Exciting, entertaining, informative" (more below the Press). References: Stations of our tour have been: the Buddenbrookhaus in Lübeck, the Humboldt University in Berlin, the cultural age slaughterhouse in Soest, the universities of Giessen, Mainz, Koblenz, Cologne and Bremen, Terre des Femmes in Marburg,
the Institute for Human Rights in Berlin, shows the women's representative in Ulm,
Lochmaben, Leipzig, Schwalbach, Offenburg, Bad Homburg, Bruchsal, Berlin etc.
Current (and past) events, and other references are always available on our website at
www.hedwigdohm.de / events . The staged reading of "But - I should be a true woman" ("! More pride, their women," optionally) a Femmage of Hedwig Dohm (1831-1919) takes about two hours with intermission. We show a cross section through the political,
polemical and literary work Dohms and central stations to explain in their lives. But we can also set up according to your wishes and share a thematic focus (for example, the former women's movement, the suffrage movement, the On "age", "motherhood" or Dohm as a novelist, etc.). We would be delighted to present Hedwig Dohm's wit and spirit from them also. More info - and pictures - to us, and our edition of our book tour, see below
www.hedwigdohm.de. A short film about Hedwig Dohm with Alice Schwarzer and
us please visit
www.fernuni-hagen.de/ausstellung/hedwig_dohm Contact us - we will make you an offer!
Nikola Müller and Isabel Rohner
info@hedwigdohm.de , Rohner Tel: 0160.560 04 55
Edition Hedwig Dohm, ed. Nikola MA Mueller and Dr. Isabel Rohner,
http://www.hedwigdohm.de/ ,
info@hedwigdohm.de virtual archive: