They embraced and kissed each other, although they had not seen for over a year. It would have been both completely atypical, give such expression to her feelings. touched her generation Asians do not like themselves. Affection was, if any, shown by using food. An effort to give the dinner to cook a few extra dishes to remember what someone ate the most, and it served very hot - this way they showed the family's feelings.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Thursday, December 9, 2010
German Herring Salad Recipe
Invitation to Forum with Holzhey Ute: women lead differently! 13.12. 2010
Invitation to Forum with Holzhey Ute: women lead differently!
Monday 13 December 2010, 18:30 clock
Berlin city cleaning businesses, Ringbahnstraße 96, 12103 Berlin
Do women differently? Sure! Would women can avoid the financial crisis? Possible! Women come in the top management level of German companies? Almost impossible! On the boards of the top 100 companies in the proportion of women in Germany is still below one percent. The dominance of men in the boardroom is unbroken. What are the eternal supremacy of men is due in German boardroom? Is denied to women the skills to complex management tasks? Still prevents the incompatibility of family and career promotion to the highest circles? Or is it simply the tradition and the networks that the men's Pave way to the top? We want to debate the talents of women, their art of leadership and insights into their worlds and men answer the question of what needs to change, so that women get a real chance to get into the top management positions in German companies. Discuss it: Vera Gaede-Butzlaff CEO of City Cleaning (BSR) Hans-Jürgen Cramer Director of the German Climate Innovation Centre of the EIT, former CEO of Vattenfall Europe AG Eva Maria Höller Cladders manager, former director of Bosch, now a consultant Elke Holst scholar at the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW) in Berlin Monika Schulz-Strelow Consultant at b. International Group, president of the organization, women in the boards' (Fidar) Moderator: Ute Holzhey, Head of Information Radio-business editorial (rbb) You are cordially invited to join the discussion.
consists Following the event as part of a snack and the opportunity to exchange
interview. Please notify the following contact if we can count on your participation: Tel: 030 -
97993-37777, E-mail: The discussion will be recorded and on Sunday 02 January at 11.05 clock in the series represent the program by Info Radio (93.1 MHz) broadcast.
Invitation to Forum with Holzhey Ute: women lead differently!
Monday 13 December 2010, 18:30 clock
Berlin city cleaning businesses, Ringbahnstraße 96, 12103 Berlin
Do women differently? Sure! Would women can avoid the financial crisis? Possible! Women come in the top management level of German companies? Almost impossible! On the boards of the top 100 companies in the proportion of women in Germany is still below one percent. The dominance of men in the boardroom is unbroken. What are the eternal supremacy of men is due in German boardroom? Is denied to women the skills to complex management tasks? Still prevents the incompatibility of family and career promotion to the highest circles? Or is it simply the tradition and the networks that the men's Pave way to the top? We want to debate the talents of women, their art of leadership and insights into their worlds and men answer the question of what needs to change, so that women get a real chance to get into the top management positions in German companies. Discuss it: Vera Gaede-Butzlaff CEO of City Cleaning (BSR) Hans-Jürgen Cramer Director of the German Climate Innovation Centre of the EIT, former CEO of Vattenfall Europe AG Eva Maria Höller Cladders manager, former director of Bosch, now a consultant Elke Holst scholar at the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW) in Berlin Monika Schulz-Strelow Consultant at b. International Group, president of the organization, women in the boards' (Fidar) Moderator: Ute Holzhey, Head of Information Radio-business editorial (rbb) You are cordially invited to join the discussion.
consists Following the event as part of a snack and the opportunity to exchange
interview. Please notify the following contact if we can count on your participation: Tel: 030 -
97993-37777, E-mail: The discussion will be recorded and on Sunday 02 January at 11.05 clock in the series represent the program by Info Radio (93.1 MHz) broadcast.
Friday, December 3, 2010
Swivel Skateboard Thing
The word for the weekend: Welsh Rarebits
"Come, we'll get the cheese toast," suggested Tim. "Charlotte wants to appoint a, when it comes." Nervously, he added: "Or do you know what - we do right Welsh Rarebits how mom makes it accessible." He opened the refrigerator and took out cheddar cheese, mustard and milk. Then he rummaged in the cupboard, Worcestershire sauce and cut thick slices from a slightly stale loaf of bread.
Friday, November 26, 2010
Whats A Good X Rated Manga
The word for the weekend: gourmet
They had chosen a restaurant in Santa Monica that was on everyone's lips, a gourmet temple, the extremes of fusion cuisine and daring culinary experiments dedicated. It resembled, as it was in an exciting restaurant review, dining in the laboratory. Sam and Bob would have to know better. There were numerous, very clear steps - some came in a teaspoon served perched on the table, others were in a glass pipette. The sauces were administered in a syringe, and the guests were given a lot campy waiter precise instructions on how each course should be brought to them. As an edible gem follows the other, absorbed in silent stillness, the handsome lieutenant became increasingly morose.
Friday, November 19, 2010
How Much Does Dog Surgery Cost, Lumps
The word for the weekend: spaghetti
The Commissioner rose. From the couch Eva could see how he set out to create in the kitchen. She did not understand the world anymore. And even less than her Noto shortly after serving two steaming plate of pasta and tomato sauce and filled two glasses with wine.
He began his spaghetti with a fork to roll up and asked Eva to imitate him. Reluctantly, they poked around in their food, but after the first bite it appeared formally in the plate. This simple, delicious meal filled them with new life, the enjoyment of wine stained her cheeks red, she longed for more of this feeling gave themselves entirely to the warm atmosphere that only one was just up in the folds of the desolate presence was hidden memory.
He began his spaghetti with a fork to roll up and asked Eva to imitate him. Reluctantly, they poked around in their food, but after the first bite it appeared formally in the plate. This simple, delicious meal filled them with new life, the enjoyment of wine stained her cheeks red, she longed for more of this feeling gave themselves entirely to the warm atmosphere that only one was just up in the folds of the desolate presence was hidden memory.
Friday, November 12, 2010
How To Hang A Scarf Valance
The word for the weekend: Steak
I order another beer, then another. Although the dinner included in my half-board, it requires me to pub food.
I order steak with chips and drink another pint of this, I'll be on my way home.
I order steak with chips and drink another pint of this, I'll be on my way home.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Can Mrsa Cured Completely
The word for the weekend: Crab
They sat down to dinner, and Erica was about to open his mouth to "please, help yourself" to say, as Conny took with both hands in the crab dish. One, two, three large portions of land on his plate, and in the bowl was left almost half the original amount.
"Hmm, how delicious. Before you sits a man who truly can strike with crabs." Connie knocked proudly on his stomach and fell on his mountain crab.
"Hmm, how delicious. Before you sits a man who truly can strike with crabs." Connie knocked proudly on his stomach and fell on his mountain crab.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Free Yaoi Manga Dragon Ball
The word for the weekend: oatmeal
Twitch looked up and saw a piece of Sammy Busheys brain high on a wall to dry. What they had thought earlier, remembered now, a dab of oatmeal. He burst into tears.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Chamomile Muscle Tension
The word for the weekend: Pop-Tarts
"I will of course listen to your opinion but I would bet that the broken toes on Tyler's X-rays are similar to those of our sacrifice."
I imagined the little Anson alone in front at home. Television. Peanut butter sandwiches and toasting Pop-Tarts lubricate. When the sleep light.
My elation vanished.
"What idiot go away and let a twelve year old boy alone at home?"
I imagined the little Anson alone in front at home. Television. Peanut butter sandwiches and toasting Pop-Tarts lubricate. When the sleep light.
My elation vanished.
"What idiot go away and let a twelve year old boy alone at home?"
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Kate Nash Mouthwash Free Sheet Music
"More pride, their women!"
Femmage of Hedwig Dohm Scenic Reading of texts by Hedwig Dohm (1831-1919)
With Nikola Müller & Isabel Rohner (Hedwig Dohm Edition)
and Gerd Buurmann (actor)
love networkers!
Already Hedwig Dohm? And if so, what do you know about them?
Hedwig Dohm (1831-1919) was not only groundbreaking pioneer of women's emancipation
in Germany (one of the first requested it in 1873 to vote for women), but also a writer - and one of the most innovative, versatile and most famous writers and journalists of 19. and early 20 Century. Today they are known mostly only as a grandmother of Katie Mann - too little, as we find. We will call back to mind Dohm and bring them at last in the canon. We, that Nikola Müller MA (historian) and Dr. Isabel Rohner (Germanist). Since 2006, we give Hedwig Dohm's work in a scholarly complete edition of
Edition Hedwig Dohm ( out. Because even though it was Hedwig Dohm to
lifetime one of the most successful authors of her time, until today, there is no complete edition of her work. In the edition of Hedwig Dohm so far are the reader Selected texts on Dohm's 175th Birthday and the novels published Sibilla Dalmar, destinies a soul and Christa Ruland (all in the transformer-Verlag Berlin, ). Collection of letters letters from the backwater has just been published.
Edition Hedwig Dohm, ed. Nikola Müller MA and Dr. Isabel Rohner,
more books - political essays and sketches, short stories, fairy tales and plays
- will follow. All volumes contain an introduction and an appendix with
comments, contemporary reviews, etc.
But that's not all: We Hedwig Dohm also set in front of the public scene because their lyrics have lost none of its freshness and relevance. Life and work are presented in staged readings, along with the presenter and actor Gerd Buurmann leading entertaining and enlightening through the organization and the roles of prominent anti-feminists (Eg, Friedrich Nietzsche and Georg Groddeck) slips. About fifty times we have been able to inspire people with our presentation of history, science and entertainment for Hedwig Dohm. "Exciting, entertaining, informative" (more below the Press). References: Stations of our tour have been: the Buddenbrookhaus in Lübeck, the Humboldt University in Berlin, the cultural age slaughterhouse in Soest, the universities of Giessen, Mainz, Koblenz, Cologne and Bremen, Terre des Femmes in Marburg,
the Institute for Human Rights in Berlin, shows the women's representative in Ulm,
Lochmaben, Leipzig, Schwalbach, Offenburg, Bad Homburg, Bruchsal, Berlin etc.
Current (and past) events, and other references are always available on our website at / events . The staged reading of "But - I should be a true woman" ("! More pride, their women," optionally) a Femmage of Hedwig Dohm (1831-1919) takes about two hours with intermission. We show a cross section through the political,
polemical and literary work Dohms and central stations to explain in their lives. But we can also set up according to your wishes and share a thematic focus (for example, the former women's movement, the suffrage movement, the On "age", "motherhood" or Dohm as a novelist, etc.). We would be delighted to present Hedwig Dohm's wit and spirit from them also. More info - and pictures - to us, and our edition of our book tour, see below A short film about Hedwig Dohm with Alice Schwarzer and
us please visit
Contact us - we will make you an offer!
Nikola Müller and Isabel Rohner
Contact: , Rohner Tel: 0160.560 04 55
Edition Hedwig Dohm, ed. Nikola MA Mueller and Dr. Isabel Rohner, ,
virtual archive:
Femmage of Hedwig Dohm Scenic Reading of texts by Hedwig Dohm (1831-1919)
With Nikola Müller & Isabel Rohner (Hedwig Dohm Edition)
and Gerd Buurmann (actor)
love networkers!
Already Hedwig Dohm? And if so, what do you know about them?
Hedwig Dohm (1831-1919) was not only groundbreaking pioneer of women's emancipation
in Germany (one of the first requested it in 1873 to vote for women), but also a writer - and one of the most innovative, versatile and most famous writers and journalists of 19. and early 20 Century. Today they are known mostly only as a grandmother of Katie Mann - too little, as we find. We will call back to mind Dohm and bring them at last in the canon. We, that Nikola Müller MA (historian) and Dr. Isabel Rohner (Germanist). Since 2006, we give Hedwig Dohm's work in a scholarly complete edition of
Edition Hedwig Dohm ( out. Because even though it was Hedwig Dohm to
lifetime one of the most successful authors of her time, until today, there is no complete edition of her work. In the edition of Hedwig Dohm so far are the reader Selected texts on Dohm's 175th Birthday and the novels published Sibilla Dalmar, destinies a soul and Christa Ruland (all in the transformer-Verlag Berlin, ). Collection of letters letters from the backwater has just been published.
Edition Hedwig Dohm, ed. Nikola Müller MA and Dr. Isabel Rohner,
more books - political essays and sketches, short stories, fairy tales and plays
- will follow. All volumes contain an introduction and an appendix with
comments, contemporary reviews, etc.
But that's not all: We Hedwig Dohm also set in front of the public scene because their lyrics have lost none of its freshness and relevance. Life and work are presented in staged readings, along with the presenter and actor Gerd Buurmann leading entertaining and enlightening through the organization and the roles of prominent anti-feminists (Eg, Friedrich Nietzsche and Georg Groddeck) slips. About fifty times we have been able to inspire people with our presentation of history, science and entertainment for Hedwig Dohm. "Exciting, entertaining, informative" (more below the Press). References: Stations of our tour have been: the Buddenbrookhaus in Lübeck, the Humboldt University in Berlin, the cultural age slaughterhouse in Soest, the universities of Giessen, Mainz, Koblenz, Cologne and Bremen, Terre des Femmes in Marburg,
the Institute for Human Rights in Berlin, shows the women's representative in Ulm,
Lochmaben, Leipzig, Schwalbach, Offenburg, Bad Homburg, Bruchsal, Berlin etc.
Current (and past) events, and other references are always available on our website at / events . The staged reading of "But - I should be a true woman" ("! More pride, their women," optionally) a Femmage of Hedwig Dohm (1831-1919) takes about two hours with intermission. We show a cross section through the political,
polemical and literary work Dohms and central stations to explain in their lives. But we can also set up according to your wishes and share a thematic focus (for example, the former women's movement, the suffrage movement, the On "age", "motherhood" or Dohm as a novelist, etc.). We would be delighted to present Hedwig Dohm's wit and spirit from them also. More info - and pictures - to us, and our edition of our book tour, see below A short film about Hedwig Dohm with Alice Schwarzer and
us please visit
Contact us - we will make you an offer!
Nikola Müller and Isabel Rohner
Contact: , Rohner Tel: 0160.560 04 55
Edition Hedwig Dohm, ed. Nikola MA Mueller and Dr. Isabel Rohner, ,
virtual archive:
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
How Long To Wait After Taking Protibiotic
link to solve new opportunities, political problems
interview of the "Prague Spring" with Leena Simon
. "The Pirate Party attaches great importance to inner-party democracy you this, based on the idea of" Liquid Democracy
Leena Simon. Liquid Democracy is an attempt, by means of modern software and networking technology to introduce a new level of participation. It all have the chance to decide whether to use their voice to a certain subject or even to a others delegate, which they trust more on this expertise. Since I can withdraw my vote any time, speaks of "liquid", ie liquid democracy. It is a concept that must be tested, but could revolutionize politics. Even the federal cares about "Liquid feedback.
pf: And you think that works with the pirates?
Simon: It depends, unfortunately, does not depend on Liquid feedback, but on whether the pirates make it to test this tool in a constructive process and refine. Some difficulty arises only in the active treatment and which should be overcome then. Since shows are just a few Difficulties. To the pirates have their social skills to work a little :-).
pf: Is it possible that may not be lifted even if the particular rule Liquid Democracy moments.
Simon: Of course. Liquid Democracy is no panacea. It does not relieve us of our political responsibility. It offers new ways to solve political problems. How do we solve it, is still with us. The current conditions are only in theory all the same access to Liquid feedback. In practice, it looks like yet another way. Since not only the sex is important, but also age, education and socialization. These conditions have to be modified to Liquid feedback can be truly democratic. Liquid feedback can not create the conditions necessary for its implementation. But that is no reason not to test it now and develop.
pf: Gender quotes would be compatible with Liquid Democracy?
Simon: The powerful positions are held still by secret ballot. The other question is whether rates are the best way to produce the same conditions. Many pirates are of the opinion that in LD the balance of the sexes would only prepared by the joint work online because the sex is irrelevant. Even if this were so, the Pirate Party will be bound to to solve this problem on the gender level offices. Odds are yes no total solution brought about by the hair pulled. You react to it, that play the classic structure of a party with items, rather the male species, as women often are not so keen to face such a center stage. One may think is wrong quotations. But then you have to deal with this phenomenon in other ways and there are the pirates just very unimaginative. This challenge can not be ignored, but one has to face her.
interview of the "Prague Spring" with Leena Simon
. "The Pirate Party attaches great importance to inner-party democracy you this, based on the idea of" Liquid Democracy
Leena Simon. Liquid Democracy is an attempt, by means of modern software and networking technology to introduce a new level of participation. It all have the chance to decide whether to use their voice to a certain subject or even to a others delegate, which they trust more on this expertise. Since I can withdraw my vote any time, speaks of "liquid", ie liquid democracy. It is a concept that must be tested, but could revolutionize politics. Even the federal cares about "Liquid feedback.
pf: And you think that works with the pirates?
Simon: It depends, unfortunately, does not depend on Liquid feedback, but on whether the pirates make it to test this tool in a constructive process and refine. Some difficulty arises only in the active treatment and which should be overcome then. Since shows are just a few Difficulties. To the pirates have their social skills to work a little :-).
pf: Is it possible that may not be lifted even if the particular rule Liquid Democracy moments.
Simon: Of course. Liquid Democracy is no panacea. It does not relieve us of our political responsibility. It offers new ways to solve political problems. How do we solve it, is still with us. The current conditions are only in theory all the same access to Liquid feedback. In practice, it looks like yet another way. Since not only the sex is important, but also age, education and socialization. These conditions have to be modified to Liquid feedback can be truly democratic. Liquid feedback can not create the conditions necessary for its implementation. But that is no reason not to test it now and develop.
pf: Gender quotes would be compatible with Liquid Democracy?
Simon: The powerful positions are held still by secret ballot. The other question is whether rates are the best way to produce the same conditions. Many pirates are of the opinion that in LD the balance of the sexes would only prepared by the joint work online because the sex is irrelevant. Even if this were so, the Pirate Party will be bound to to solve this problem on the gender level offices. Odds are yes no total solution brought about by the hair pulled. You react to it, that play the classic structure of a party with items, rather the male species, as women often are not so keen to face such a center stage. One may think is wrong quotations. But then you have to deal with this phenomenon in other ways and there are the pirates just very unimaginative. This challenge can not be ignored, but one has to face her.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Gay Cruising Locations Ontario
The word for the weekend: Sugar
notes the teacher gives the Lemming dry and a coffee. "But a Glasl Absinthe can have S '. It belongs to us as standard. You know, the green fairy, muse of painters and writers, van Gogh, Picasso, Hemingway ..."
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Can You Take Nyquil After You Take Mucionex D?
What a funny country I am living in. ..
Just at the supermarket checkout ". That comes up to 16.49 Can you tell me then anything that happenend in 1649?" Then what did civil war, Charles I, and told beheading and was thus even correct. The cashier then continued: "Really I did not know that but I like asking people questions like this when prices like that come up, like with 1666, for example Can you tell me anything that happened in 1666?." That was even easier: There was, of course, the Great Fire of London. Unfortunately, our quiz hour was then already over and I had to continue, but the whole has the shopping a little fun and more interesting ... Crazy country! ;-)
Just at the supermarket checkout ". That comes up to 16.49 Can you tell me then anything that happenend in 1649?" Then what did civil war, Charles I, and told beheading and was thus even correct. The cashier then continued: "Really I did not know that but I like asking people questions like this when prices like that come up, like with 1666, for example Can you tell me anything that happened in 1666?." That was even easier: There was, of course, the Great Fire of London. Unfortunately, our quiz hour was then already over and I had to continue, but the whole has the shopping a little fun and more interesting ... Crazy country! ;-)
Monday, October 11, 2010
Penthouse Letters Online
Friday, October 8, 2010
Full Set Katesplayground
The word for the weekend: wild salmon
She left the door open, though so the mosquitoes came in, and went further into the incredibly spacious kitchen. A brick, wood-fired oven began with her eyes one, whitewashed and with a closed hatch. The house had to come from the beginning of last century. A massive pine table, the kind like you get to see them in the cereal ad. Untreated kitchen chairs with high, straight back, leached pine tree trunks, small checkered curtains in the seventies, almost no flower pots. The dishes piled beside the sink. A cutting board was a smell of fish. Therese opened the refrigerator door, and there was the salmon. Filleted, with coarse salt and white pepper in a glass form. Only the fattest part, the rest he must have been frozen. Before Sonny had interrupted him. The meat was surprisingly pale. Wild salmon compare, not with this Krabbenschalenrot the Norwegian farmed.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
How Come My Nose Looks Long On Camera
men men
"Anne Roth annoy those rankings. At least a tiny bit." My undying feminist impulse noticed first that the known German bloggers, all men are, "writes the Berliner blogger. In fact, Roth makes the blog moon grass the first wife only on place 35 in the blog charts from. Meanwhile, this blog is even further behind." I admit that struck me " . they
Roth himself says is one of the most famous bloggers in Germany at the Berlin meetup re:. publication earlier this year she has led a discussion board topic:.. Why do women in power are not as visible, "The microcosm of blogs in no small part, a perpetual motion machine, "she says. he reproduce himself," This will be noticed that others notice, that link. The more links, the more important. "Roth These: men managed more than women, are linked to. Moreover, they link with each other more often.
girls team blogs about Sarrazi n
Are men better networkers? Maybe. Because of blogging women are not lacking. Example: The girls team Blog (External link - opens in new window). Here a team of twelve women listed "things and news that make us happy or up the neck hair." Such as Thilo Sarrazin. Writes about him in 1985, born in Hoyerswerda journalist Nadine Lantzsch, "There are 100 reasons Sarrazin as the stamping, what he is: a racist asshole, the sedition cultured with mass media support. "It fits.
Lantzsch punishes all clichés lies, blogging under which women are only about gossip, recipes and fashion. For there are indeed women who write about Paris Hilton's new nail polish.'s making but now long also men. So reports of the Dresden Martin Boose on his side celebrity Cabana by an alleged party of the teen actress Miley Cyrus and Ashley Greene in a Paris nightclub.
women write for small audiences
"There are also female bloggers blog about power politics as well as male bloggers who blog about fashion, "says Mark Beckedahl Power politics. Everyone just write about topics that made him fun. "Men are often more interested in self-expression, which is also always works well in blogs," he says. "Women use, according to blog-researchers often like to blog for interpersonal communication. So then they talk to a smaller target group and will not be as great in public."
This is the blog girls team made it into the large public in 2009 succeeded. Last year it was nominated for the prestigious Grimme Online Award. Why is it then that Spreeblick, power politics or picture blog are the best known and most successful blogs are for? "Probably because all three blogs operate consistently and with great enthusiasm for many years, "says Beckedahl. Thus they have built up a reputation and networks." To achieve this, one has to be not a man. "
the entire article at http://, 3672,8108599,00 html
"Anne Roth annoy those rankings. At least a tiny bit." My undying feminist impulse noticed first that the known German bloggers, all men are, "writes the Berliner blogger. In fact, Roth makes the blog moon grass the first wife only on place 35 in the blog charts from. Meanwhile, this blog is even further behind." I admit that struck me " . they
Roth himself says is one of the most famous bloggers in Germany at the Berlin meetup re:. publication earlier this year she has led a discussion board topic:.. Why do women in power are not as visible, "The microcosm of blogs in no small part, a perpetual motion machine, "she says. he reproduce himself," This will be noticed that others notice, that link. The more links, the more important. "Roth These: men managed more than women, are linked to. Moreover, they link with each other more often.
girls team blogs about Sarrazi n
Are men better networkers? Maybe. Because of blogging women are not lacking. Example: The girls team Blog (External link - opens in new window). Here a team of twelve women listed "things and news that make us happy or up the neck hair." Such as Thilo Sarrazin. Writes about him in 1985, born in Hoyerswerda journalist Nadine Lantzsch, "There are 100 reasons Sarrazin as the stamping, what he is: a racist asshole, the sedition cultured with mass media support. "It fits.
Lantzsch punishes all clichés lies, blogging under which women are only about gossip, recipes and fashion. For there are indeed women who write about Paris Hilton's new nail polish.'s making but now long also men. So reports of the Dresden Martin Boose on his side celebrity Cabana by an alleged party of the teen actress Miley Cyrus and Ashley Greene in a Paris nightclub.
women write for small audiences
"There are also female bloggers blog about power politics as well as male bloggers who blog about fashion, "says Mark Beckedahl Power politics. Everyone just write about topics that made him fun. "Men are often more interested in self-expression, which is also always works well in blogs," he says. "Women use, according to blog-researchers often like to blog for interpersonal communication. So then they talk to a smaller target group and will not be as great in public."
This is the blog girls team made it into the large public in 2009 succeeded. Last year it was nominated for the prestigious Grimme Online Award. Why is it then that Spreeblick, power politics or picture blog are the best known and most successful blogs are for? "Probably because all three blogs operate consistently and with great enthusiasm for many years, "says Beckedahl. Thus they have built up a reputation and networks." To achieve this, one has to be not a man. "
the entire article at http://, 3672,8108599,00 html
Super Nylon Feet Blog
it Is the glass ceiling in politics?
The Local Policy Forum and Berlin. "fine work - Left women in Berlin"
invited to present and discuss
Returns it is the "glass ceiling" in politics
Date: 10/25/2010, 19.00 - 21.30 clock
Location: We are guests in the Salon of narrative "Rohnstock biographies" Schönhauser Allee
number 12 / Saarbrücken street corner entrance
Ladies and Gentlemen,
we are pleased to invite you to an exciting event,
of the presence and the political involvement of women in Berlin will shed more light.
What is the situation?
women and men are equally interested in improving the world. They are equally capable to bring in democratic processes and they get in through quota-lists of many parties is now the same opportunities.
provide Nevertheless, after a view of the real presence in the Committees and participation in the democratic process, many questions that have on the subject of child care, equal opportunities beyond objective:
- Why it is nevertheless true that many women do not get elected in comparable levels of functionality?
- What is it that young women after initial enthusiasm in the political life disappointed and resigned to avert?
- Have all parties with an interest in women with career intention - or men feel more threatened?
- Is it in politics, the "glass ceiling" - the majority of those women who are present at the election booths, but then not ? Encounter
- Why there are fewer publications by women - is really all I said?
- young and provocative women like to be taken - but what comes next, with child, their own opinion and less time for pubs and competitive behavior?
- How women can help themselves and others - in the informal network or the public appearance?
about these and other questions on the subject we want to speak with experienced politicians, young women, and of course the basis of current data and images and share our solutions and everyday tips.
We present:
first a comprehensive analysis of the presence of women in the committees in districts and in the country in all parties in Berlin (Ms. Karoline Killat)
second a presentation of the analysis of survey findings, from left, in Berlin (Julia Witt) 3rd
Conclusions for the policy makers in the bodies of BVV to the House of Representatives (Julia Witt and Kelly Liebich, StS IAS)
Chair: Dagmar Pohle, Mayor from Berlin Marzahn-Hellersdorf
A snack and drinks for the subsequent and have it ready.
We would be delighted if we could spark your interest and follow our invitation.
We ask you to send your application no later than October 20, 2010 to us.
Tel: 030 91 42 69 76 E-mail: @
fine work-Left women in Berlin
The Local Policy Forum and Berlin. "fine work - Left women in Berlin"
invited to present and discuss
Returns it is the "glass ceiling" in politics
Date: 10/25/2010, 19.00 - 21.30 clock
Location: We are guests in the Salon of narrative "Rohnstock biographies" Schönhauser Allee
number 12 / Saarbrücken street corner entrance
Ladies and Gentlemen,
we are pleased to invite you to an exciting event,
of the presence and the political involvement of women in Berlin will shed more light.
What is the situation?
women and men are equally interested in improving the world. They are equally capable to bring in democratic processes and they get in through quota-lists of many parties is now the same opportunities.
provide Nevertheless, after a view of the real presence in the Committees and participation in the democratic process, many questions that have on the subject of child care, equal opportunities beyond objective:
- Why it is nevertheless true that many women do not get elected in comparable levels of functionality?
- What is it that young women after initial enthusiasm in the political life disappointed and resigned to avert?
- Have all parties with an interest in women with career intention - or men feel more threatened?
- Is it in politics, the "glass ceiling" - the majority of those women who are present at the election booths, but then not ? Encounter
- Why there are fewer publications by women - is really all I said?
- young and provocative women like to be taken - but what comes next, with child, their own opinion and less time for pubs and competitive behavior?
- How women can help themselves and others - in the informal network or the public appearance?
about these and other questions on the subject we want to speak with experienced politicians, young women, and of course the basis of current data and images and share our solutions and everyday tips.
We present:
first a comprehensive analysis of the presence of women in the committees in districts and in the country in all parties in Berlin (Ms. Karoline Killat)
second a presentation of the analysis of survey findings, from left, in Berlin (Julia Witt) 3rd
Conclusions for the policy makers in the bodies of BVV to the House of Representatives (Julia Witt and Kelly Liebich, StS IAS)
Chair: Dagmar Pohle, Mayor from Berlin Marzahn-Hellersdorf
A snack and drinks for the subsequent and have it ready.
We would be delighted if we could spark your interest and follow our invitation.
We ask you to send your application no later than October 20, 2010 to us.
Tel: 030 91 42 69 76 E-mail: @
fine work-Left women in Berlin
Herpes Outbreak From Shavin
links to the Glass Ceiling
"The glass ceiling was more concrete "
" glass ceiling preventing women's rise " / karriere/article792751/Glaeserne-Decke-hindert-Frauen-am-Aufstieg.html
Good post by Margit Osterloh and Sabina Littmann-Wernli / C79glaesernedecke.pdf
break through the glass ceiling
The Anatomy of the Glass Ceiling (English) Study downloads / the_anatomy_of_the_glass_ceiling.pdf
"The glass ceiling was more concrete "
" glass ceiling preventing women's rise " / karriere/article792751/Glaeserne-Decke-hindert-Frauen-am-Aufstieg.html
Good post by Margit Osterloh and Sabina Littmann-Wernli / C79glaesernedecke.pdf
break through the glass ceiling
The Anatomy of the Glass Ceiling (English) Study downloads / the_anatomy_of_the_glass_ceiling.pdf
Friday, October 1, 2010
Do I Need Receipts If I Use My Crexit Card
The word for the weekend: freezer meal
Chester was so strenuous in some areas he was very frugal. When I got home, he sat on a frozen meal that I did not know that I had.
"Are you sure that it was good for?" I asked, and rummaged through the waste according to the packaging of this court.
"Absolutely. You are at least six months beyond the expiration date, unless they have been thawed and refrozen. I was thinking, you open the freezer determined not often enough so that something can happen."
"Are you sure that it was good for?" I asked, and rummaged through the waste according to the packaging of this court.
"Absolutely. You are at least six months beyond the expiration date, unless they have been thawed and refrozen. I was thinking, you open the freezer determined not often enough so that something can happen."
Saturday, September 25, 2010
How Long Does Cake Mate Decorating Icing Keep
Our silence is our shame
Our silence is our shame
"As they heard their Lord (saying):" "Never will I suffer not the work of the acting of you lost
be it male or female: one of you are from the other
And those who emigrated there and were driven from their homes
and suffered on my way and fought and fell -. verily I will blot out their sins, ;
lead and truly, I will flow into gardens through which rivers, as a reward from Allah. "
is "for Allah . The best reward, "[Al-e-Imran: 195] It is difficult
the woman, who before the Islamic period was always a value from a low-grade
given man, and only with Islam won their true value has described.
The woman who loves the most beautiful among the beautiful was made that if it is sincere,
is considered the best and if she becomes a mother, her paradise is under his feet .. .
The woman is hard to describe, but the woman is to describe the war under the bombs, which is fighting in the abyss of
Auswglosigkeit even harder.
A Mujahida in Gaza, under the embargo, encircled by wire fences to be ...
A Mujahida in an unjust war to be thrown in which small stones at the tanks.
to be a weeping mother, who witnessed the Shahada of their children.
Humanity, which is under the conscience of the Kufr systems and organizations trampled
, which fill the weeping of the mothers say their ears and really like monkeys, "I do not see
not I hear I do not know ...". We need to wake up from the reverie, before we surrounded and
enslaved and will equip us with the sword of the Imams and the patient.
We must go on the way and sacrifice ourselves without fear, we must raise again bustling with heart
Mujahidun to our chest, that life dedicated to truth and bear the new conquests in
the shoulders. Before it's too late! A
Mujahida in Afghanistan and the Caucasus to be where the bombs fall like a rain shower
be left ...
The eyes are turned towards heaven, in my mind where the next bomb to land
could be listening with pricked ears, the roar of the aircraft. The sacrifice of life, no matter what
Price always ...
you see my sister Mujahida, this thing is not an easy thing, we must give our lives as
Ismail for the truth caravan. There must be educated Mujahidat that can sometimes illuminate the piety,
chastity, honor, and sometimes the freedom, new hopes and goals to bring in
memory and interns are these. have with their pure thoughts, their productive personality
they are the Mujahidat of the fight ...
The wonderful women in the matter of Tawheed carried the banner of Islam, have shown their
various features and capabilities ...
Khatija (ra), who had the honor of being the first that assumed the Tawheed was his support;
love, intelligence, dedication and loyalty of Aisha's (ra);
of courage, purity, the behavior of Fatima's (ra);
the unforgettable speech Zainab's (ra) in the palace of Yazid;
aunt Rasulullah (saw) Safiyya (ra) who had the courage to kill a kafir,
Asma binti Usman (ra), the their pregnancy problems and forgot about their lives, although the Hijra took place
and thus showed an example of fidelity and sacrifice;
Ummu Fadhl (ra), Abu Lahab, the attack and beat him;
Asma binti Yazid (ra), with its significant rhetoric a sample preacher;
Fatima binti Hattab (ra), Omar (ra) made to Omar and the ground prepared for
that Omar (ra) was a Muslim;
Sumayya (ra), despite the torture is not turning away from their faith - the first Schahida
Allahu akbar wa liLLAHi'l-Hamd!
Nusaiba binti Amr (ra), because of their love for Rasulallah (saw) their four-Shuhada forgot
Umayya binti Qays their unique features to the Jihad-fields;
Zinnira the slave, the self-consciously a kafir like Abu Jahl called out, and many others ...
And the martyrs of our century Havva Barayev and in North-East areas selfless ...
to the loving, patient and resolute soldiers and to the strangers who follow the
permission of Allah (swt) in their footsteps ...
"As they heard their Lord (saying):" "Never will I suffer not the work of the acting of you lost
be it male or female: one of you are from the other
And those who emigrated there and were driven from their homes
and suffered on my way and fought and fell -. verily I will blot out their sins, ;
lead and truly, I will flow into gardens through which rivers, as a reward from Allah. "
is "for Allah . The best reward, "[Al-e-Imran: 195] It is difficult
the woman, who before the Islamic period was always a value from a low-grade
given man, and only with Islam won their true value has described.
The woman who loves the most beautiful among the beautiful was made that if it is sincere,
is considered the best and if she becomes a mother, her paradise is under his feet .. .
The woman is hard to describe, but the woman is to describe the war under the bombs, which is fighting in the abyss of
Auswglosigkeit even harder.
A Mujahida in Gaza, under the embargo, encircled by wire fences to be ...
A Mujahida in an unjust war to be thrown in which small stones at the tanks.
to be a weeping mother, who witnessed the Shahada of their children.
Humanity, which is under the conscience of the Kufr systems and organizations trampled
, which fill the weeping of the mothers say their ears and really like monkeys, "I do not see
not I hear I do not know ...". We need to wake up from the reverie, before we surrounded and
enslaved and will equip us with the sword of the Imams and the patient.
We must go on the way and sacrifice ourselves without fear, we must raise again bustling with heart
Mujahidun to our chest, that life dedicated to truth and bear the new conquests in
the shoulders. Before it's too late! A
Mujahida in Afghanistan and the Caucasus to be where the bombs fall like a rain shower
be left ...
The eyes are turned towards heaven, in my mind where the next bomb to land
could be listening with pricked ears, the roar of the aircraft. The sacrifice of life, no matter what
Price always ...
you see my sister Mujahida, this thing is not an easy thing, we must give our lives as
Ismail for the truth caravan. There must be educated Mujahidat that can sometimes illuminate the piety,
chastity, honor, and sometimes the freedom, new hopes and goals to bring in
memory and interns are these. have with their pure thoughts, their productive personality
they are the Mujahidat of the fight ...
The wonderful women in the matter of Tawheed carried the banner of Islam, have shown their
various features and capabilities ...
Khatija (ra), who had the honor of being the first that assumed the Tawheed was his support;
love, intelligence, dedication and loyalty of Aisha's (ra);
of courage, purity, the behavior of Fatima's (ra);
the unforgettable speech Zainab's (ra) in the palace of Yazid;
aunt Rasulullah (saw) Safiyya (ra) who had the courage to kill a kafir,
Asma binti Usman (ra), the their pregnancy problems and forgot about their lives, although the Hijra took place
and thus showed an example of fidelity and sacrifice;
Ummu Fadhl (ra), Abu Lahab, the attack and beat him;
Asma binti Yazid (ra), with its significant rhetoric a sample preacher;
Fatima binti Hattab (ra), Omar (ra) made to Omar and the ground prepared for
that Omar (ra) was a Muslim;
Sumayya (ra), despite the torture is not turning away from their faith - the first Schahida
Allahu akbar wa liLLAHi'l-Hamd!
Nusaiba binti Amr (ra), because of their love for Rasulallah (saw) their four-Shuhada forgot
Umayya binti Qays their unique features to the Jihad-fields;
Zinnira the slave, the self-consciously a kafir like Abu Jahl called out, and many others ...
And the martyrs of our century Havva Barayev and in North-East areas selfless ...
to the loving, patient and resolute soldiers and to the strangers who follow the
permission of Allah (swt) in their footsteps ...
Source: Forum Ahlus Sunnah wa Jama3a
Friday, September 24, 2010
Possible To Get Into Non-rated Ots Gpa
The word for the weekend: Mandarins
On Sunday morning I woke up at five clock and gave me the supplies I the day before in Meidi-ya supermarket acquired, had a breakfast. Only thanks to my expense account, I was now able to Meidi-ya, with its stunning Choice of ethnic foods to buy as astonishing prices. I served me coffee from Guatemala, croissants from the bakery of the district and juicy tangerines from Shizuoka.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
One Blood Blister In Throat
wife Senator Harald Wolf praised the women's prize from Berlin 2011
the Senate a year the Berlin women's prize awarded, to a Berlin that has been used by their work in an outstanding way for the emancipation of women. The winners of the past years, for example, Anke Domscheit, Ilse-Maria Stecher village, Dr. Czarina Wilpert, Seyran Ates and Maren Kroymann.
Mayor and Senator for Economics, Technology and Harald Wolf:
"Berlin is a city of women live here, women who manage even aware of the everyday and the commitment to equality of the sexes is why we do in the coming.. honor year a Berlin woman who has distinguished himself in a special way in this area. "
The prize is endowed with 2,600 EUR. The winner of the award is selected by an independent jury, the next Secretary of State Almuth Nehring-Venus, the social scientist and head of the Amadeu-Antonio Foundation, Anetta Kahane, the scientist from the Institute of Management at the Free University of Berlin, Prof. Dr. Gertraude Krell, president of the Polish Association of Women Entrepreneurs, Lucyna Krolikowska, and the winner of 2010, members Anke Domscheit.
The award ceremony is on 8 March 2011, a ceremony in the Red City Hall.
all Berliners are invited to participate in determining the award winner for 2011. Proposals may be made by individuals or groups and should to 22 October 2010 to the Senate for Economics, Technology and Women, to the attention Katrin Strauch, 10825 Berlin, submitted.
katrin.strauch @
Katrin Strauch, Senate Department for Economics, Technology and
Martin-Luther-Str. 105, 10825 Berlin, Phone: 9013-8933
Mayor and Senator for Economics, Technology and Harald Wolf:
"Berlin is a city of women live here, women who manage even aware of the everyday and the commitment to equality of the sexes is why we do in the coming.. honor year a Berlin woman who has distinguished himself in a special way in this area. "
The prize is endowed with 2,600 EUR. The winner of the award is selected by an independent jury, the next Secretary of State Almuth Nehring-Venus, the social scientist and head of the Amadeu-Antonio Foundation, Anetta Kahane, the scientist from the Institute of Management at the Free University of Berlin, Prof. Dr. Gertraude Krell, president of the Polish Association of Women Entrepreneurs, Lucyna Krolikowska, and the winner of 2010, members Anke Domscheit.
The award ceremony is on 8 March 2011, a ceremony in the Red City Hall.
all Berliners are invited to participate in determining the award winner for 2011. Proposals may be made by individuals or groups and should to 22 October 2010 to the Senate for Economics, Technology and Women, to the attention Katrin Strauch, 10825 Berlin, submitted.
katrin.strauch @
Katrin Strauch, Senate Department for Economics, Technology and
Martin-Luther-Str. 105, 10825 Berlin, Phone: 9013-8933
Friday, September 17, 2010
Moet Shandon White Star
The word for the weekend: walnut pudding
A couple of weeks I've informed me about arsenic. You know, tiny doses, which is mixed with salt, pepper and herbs Unters food until it develops over time its deadly effect, and even after the death of the body can not be proven. At seventeen I Flowers in the Attic read. All you should know about arsenic, is in there. Everything except the fact where you can buy the damn stuff. When I typed the word "arsenic" in the Tesco online store, but actually came back to the question: "Are you looking for maybe Ariel?" "No, you stupid search engine," I yelled against the monitor. "I mean god damn not Ariel!" Okay, I had a bad day then. To appease my guilty conscience, I then a couple of cups walnut pudding packed in my virtual shopping basket. And just at that moment, the computer crashed. A damn bad day that was then.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Jc Penney Chattanooga Hair Extensions
Hello from Edinburgh, and welcome to the reactivation of the blog.
Here are a few pictures so quickly from the apartment, which will be in the next three months and Christiane's my home ...
The Bad
The kitchen
The living room with Chris in it
The view from the window (behind the houses peeping Arthur's Seat, Edinburgh's mountain forth)
My bed
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