A couple of weeks I've informed me about arsenic. You know, tiny doses, which is mixed with salt, pepper and herbs Unters food until it develops over time its deadly effect, and even after the death of the body can not be proven. At seventeen I Flowers in the Attic read. All you should know about arsenic, is in there. Everything except the fact where you can buy the damn stuff. When I typed the word "arsenic" in the Tesco online store, but actually came back to the question: "Are you looking for maybe Ariel?" "No, you stupid search engine," I yelled against the monitor. "I mean god damn not Ariel!" Okay, I had a bad day then. To appease my guilty conscience, I then a couple of cups walnut pudding packed in my virtual shopping basket. And just at that moment, the computer crashed. A damn bad day that was then.
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