men men
"Anne Roth annoy those rankings. At least a tiny bit." My undying feminist impulse noticed first that the known German bloggers, all men are, "writes the Berliner blogger. In fact, Roth makes the blog moon grass the first wife only on place 35 in the blog charts from. Meanwhile, this blog is even further behind." I admit that struck me " . they
Roth himself says is one of the most famous bloggers in Germany at the Berlin meetup re:. publication earlier this year she has led a discussion board topic:.. Why do women in power are not as visible, "The microcosm of blogs in no small part, a perpetual motion machine, "she says. he reproduce himself," This will be noticed that others notice, that link. The more links, the more important. "Roth These: men managed more than women, are linked to. Moreover, they link with each other more often.
girls team blogs about Sarrazi n
Are men better networkers? Maybe. Because of blogging women are not lacking. Example: The girls team Blog (External link - opens in new window). Here a team of twelve women listed "things and news that make us happy or up the neck hair." Such as Thilo Sarrazin. Writes about him in 1985, born in Hoyerswerda journalist Nadine Lantzsch, "There are 100 reasons Sarrazin as the stamping, what he is: a racist asshole, the sedition cultured with mass media support. "It fits.
Lantzsch punishes all clichés lies, blogging under which women are only about gossip, recipes and fashion. For there are indeed women who write about Paris Hilton's new nail polish.'s making but now long also men. So reports of the Dresden Martin Boose on his side celebrity Cabana by an alleged party of the teen actress Miley Cyrus and Ashley Greene in a Paris nightclub.
women write for small audiences
"There are also female bloggers blog about power politics as well as male bloggers who blog about fashion, "says Mark Beckedahl Power politics. Everyone just write about topics that made him fun. "Men are often more interested in self-expression, which is also always works well in blogs," he says. "Women use, according to blog-researchers often like to blog for interpersonal communication. So then they talk to a smaller target group and will not be as great in public."
This is the blog girls team made it into the large public in 2009 succeeded. Last year it was nominated for the prestigious Grimme Online Award. Why is it then that Spreeblick, power politics or picture blog are the best known and most successful blogs are for? "Probably because all three blogs operate consistently and with great enthusiasm for many years, "says Beckedahl. Thus they have built up a reputation and networks." To achieve this, one has to be not a man. "
the entire article at http://, 3672,8108599,00 html
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