The excellent features of the first ten days of Dhul Hidschaa!
to the blessings of Allah, which that institution is proving servants who heard His determining seasons of obedience. The happy man is the one who recognizes the benefits of these seasons, winning it draws, in which he more 'Ibadah performed, thus prepared for his death, has sent forward good deeds for the Hereafter, that opportunity be missed and fills out his shortcomings.
Among these excellent times, the first ten days of Dhul Hidschaa, those days on which the performing good deeds Allah are the best.
prepare for these significant days:
first Sincere Tauba (Repentance):
The first thing to do, the Muslim is to repent his sins honestly do not accompany with a firm resolve to return to the sins. In Tauba success is for the servant in this world and the hereafter.
second A strong commitment to work hard and to make a profit / benefit from these days:
The one who holds that a firm decision, the Allah helps and guides him right. According to his statement: "Those who struggle on our behalf, will lead WE certainly on our paths (leading to U.S.) (...)" [Surat Al 'Ankabuut (29), ayah 69]
third Keep away from the sins
Just like the good deeds bring services closer to Allah, just as bad deeds enlarge the distance between the servant and Allah and close it off from the mercy of his Lord. And just then the Muslim should especially stay away from bad deeds, because the sins the sacred months (to the Dhul Hidschaa counts) more serious than usual
The excellent features of the first ten days of Dhul Hidschaa:
Allah swearing on these days:
The importance of these days is the oath of Allah expressed and this is a sign enough that these days of great significance are, for Allah swears by nothing, except for something that is significant and important. Allah says: ". At the dawn and the ten nights" [Surat Al Fajr (89), Ayah 1-2]
Most scholars, including Ibn Mufassir3 Kathiir, agreed that with the ten Noechten the first ten days of Dhul Hidschaa are meant.
The Messenger of Allah (sallaALLAHu 'aleihi wa sallam) said:
"The most excellent days in this world are the ten days (of Dhul Hidschaa)."
In these days of the day of 'Arafah:
The Day of' Arafah is a great and important day. When asked the Prophet (sallaALLAHu 'aleihi wa sallam) about fasting 6 on the day of' Arafah, he replied: "It wipes out the sins of the previous and the next year." In these days of the day of 'Arafah:
The sacrifice day is in these days:
follows after the day of 'Arafah the sacrifice day. This regard, the Prophet (sallaALLAHu 'aleihi wa sallam): "Verily, the most valuable days for Allah wa ta'ala tabaraka are the sacrifice day and the day of the Qarr (the day after the sacrifice day, the 11th Dhul Hidschaa)
all important 'Ibadaat be done at that time:
Such was the view of the scholar Ibn Hajar Al Asqalaani that these ten days are marked by characteristic, because at that time all the basic / important' to be jointly performed Ibadaat how prayer, fasting, Donations' Umrah and Hajj. And this reason 'Ibadaat can only be done at that time together.
The importance of good deeds in the first ten days of Dhul Hidschaa:
After you is the excellence of these ten days and it takes precedence over the other days have become aware, should you recognize that this time the grace of ALLAH is because they offer you the opportunity to make a profit from it and bring you closer to Allah.
All the above should tempt you to strive to do many good deeds, especially when you have achieved the following Hadith: The Messenger of Allah
(sallaALLAHu 'Aleihi wa sallam) said:
"There is no deed that is in Allah ta' ala increasingly more, you get more for bigger reward than the good done in one of the ten Opfertagen9 (...)" And the already
mentioned Hadith where the Prophet said (sallaALLAHu 'aleihi wa sallam): "There are no days on which the righteous deed Allah is better than in those ten days."
to the desired action, which All year round should be performed to perform more but at this time are:
first Prayer
is the performing of prayer the largest, most valuable actions and the principal means of drawing near to God. All mandatory actions are given priority, as well as the obligatory prayer, so this must be done with more concentration, humility, and the right time. In a Hadith says Allah Qudsi12 "Nothing, so my man approached me, I would rather have than what I imposed upon him as a duty. But My servant does not cease to be closer to Me through its voluntary deeds until I love him. "
Therefore, the Muslim is still making many voluntary prayers, as the night prayer, to reach out to many prostrations. So said the Messenger of Allah (sallaALLAHu 'aleihi wa sallam): "You shall thy prostration (Sudschuud) increase, as you throw yourself down with no Sajda Allah, except it up thus increased by one step and you thereby reducing your sins. "
second Fasting
It is recommended / allowed to fast during the first nine days because of the Muslim should strive to be is to do as many good deeds as possible, and the fast in those days belonged to the practice of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (sallaALLAHu 'aleihi wa sallam): "The Messenger of Allah (sallaALLAHu'. aleihi wa sallam) used in the (first) nine days of Dhul
Hidschaa fasting (...)" The significance of fasting is the following Hadith Qudsi occupied, says
ALLAH ". Every act is the son of Adam, except fasting which is for me and I reward for it,"
Of great importance is the fasting on the Day of 'Arafah, since this is like previously mentioned, wipes out the sins of the past and coming year.
third Takbir:
The statements of Tahmid (Alhamdulillah), Tahlil (La ilaaha illallah) and Takbir (Allahu akbar) is Sunnah. Sun Bukhari mentioned that the two Sahaba Ibn 'Umar and Abu Hurayra (radiaALLAHu' anhumaa) in the ten days, both to the bazaar went out and made loud Takbir, so that following the other people the Takbir aufsagten.Daher the Muslim Sunnah to stop this practice in any place where it is allowed to mention the name of Allah. This dhikr should be spoken in a loud voice, with each person speaks individually the dhikr. There
According to the righteous ancestors, there are several versions to recite this dhikr:
a) Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, la ilaaha illallah, wALLAHu akbar,
Allahu akbar wa lillahil hamd
[Allah is greater Allah is greater No one is worthy of worship except Allah and Allah is greater and His is the praise]
b) Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar Kabiira
[ALLAH is bigger, bigger is Allah, Allah's is the largest]
c) Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar wa lillahil hamd, Allahu akbar wa Ajale, Allahu akbar 'alaa maa Hadaanaa
[bigger Allah, Allah is greater , Allah is greater and he deserves the praise, Allah is greater and more sublime, Allah is greater, the right path for the ER Us]
to 4; Donations:
This action is also among the righteous deeds, so should the Muslim to perform this good deed in the ten days more. Allah has inspired the Muslims to this fact, with his statement:
"O ye who believe! donate / prints of what We have given you, before the day comes when there is no trade, nor friendship nor intercession (...). "[Surat Al Baqarah (2), ayah 254]
5 . Hajj and 'Umrah
These two acts are among the principal, which can be done in the first ten days of Dhul Hidschaa. So the Messenger of Allah said (sallaALLAHu'aleihi wa sallam): "(...) An accepted Hajj has nothing to reward except Paradise."
Generally, any righteous deed will be increased at this time, such as: Quran read ask for forgiveness, to obey their parents, hospitality, good speech, visit the sick, the good and the bad call prevent
make supplications for himself and others, pursuit of knowledge and much more.
It must not be forgotten that a righteous deed carries with it conditions so that they are accepted by Allah as a good deed:
first Ikhlas (sincerity): One commits this act sincerely for Allah, just to get His approval.
second Sunnah: The action you have to follow the Prophet (sallaALLAHu 'aleihi wa sallam).
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