The merits of the Day of Arafat
The merits of the Day of Arafat
Praise be to Allah, the One, and peace and healing on, after which there will be no more prophets.
the first ten days of the Islamic month of Dhu al-Hijja are full of blessings for those who are seeking sincere about to come closer to Allah. In these days is also the day of Arafat, it is the ninth Dhu l-Hijja. Arafat is a small mountain near Mecca, the mountain is surrounded by a wide-scale level. The pilgrims who are on the Hajj, spend the day there and beg for forgiveness from their Creator. should know that day and Allah gave this place an extraordinary importance that every Muslim. Below are just some of the benefits of the day of Arafat will set out can not be only for the pilgrims, but also for other Muslims full blessing (1).
completion of religion and fulfillment of grace
Tariq ibn Shihab (r) narrated from Umar Ibn al-Khattab (r) that a man of the community of Jews to the latter came and said to him: "O Amir al-Mu 'minin (2) a line in your book, the reciting it - if we are on, the community of Jews, he had been sent down, we had that day (the revelation) certainly made it a holiday, "said Umar:" What! ? verse "He said," Today I have perfected your religion for you, and I have my favor upon you met, and I have chosen for you Islam as religion "(5:3). Then Umar said: "We know already that day and the place where he on the Prophet, Allah bless him and grant him peace was sent down: when he stood on Arafat on Friday" (Bukhari, Muslim).
Friday and the Feast of the Sacrifice are holidays
The Prophet Muhammad, may Allah bless give him and his salvation (s), said: "The day of Arafat, the day of sacrifice and the days of Taschriq for us - the members of Islam - Holidays, and there are days of eating and drinking "(Tirmidhi). For the Muslims who are not on the plain of Arafat, However, it is Sunna (practice of the Prophet (s)) to fast on the Day of Arafat.
From Umar (r) narrated that he said: (The verse, Today I have perfected your religion for you ...') was sent down on a Friday on the day of Arafat, and both - Praise be to Allah - are public holidays for us "(3).
Allah swears by the Day of Arafat the "promised day" is the day of Resurrection, when Allah has promised the people the coming of this day. The "testified tag" is the day of Arafat, as the people it "witness", that there currently are and gather there. And the "witness" is Friday, the witness is, who performed the Friday prayer (4).
The Day of Arafat is the "odd" day, swears by Allah in the verses: "By the Dawn, and ten nights, and the straight line and the odd ones. ... "(89:1-3). Jabir (r) said that the Prophet (s): "... and, Odd is the day of sacrifice '"(Ahmad)' the Day of Arafat and the 'straight line'.
Fasting on the Day of Arafat erases the sins of two years.
The Prophet (PBUH) said: "Fasting on the Day of Arafat - so I hope that Allah (so that the sins of) the previous year and awards (the sins) of the following year" (Tirmidhi).
Fasting on the Day of Arafat is mustahabb (recommended) for those who do not pilgrimage. The pilgrim should not On this day fasting, because the Prophet (s) on this day of pilgrimage not fasted (Bukhari, Muslim).
The day concluded with Allah from the progeny of Adam (s) the Agreement.
Ibn Abbas (r) reported in spirit: "Allah's Messenger, Allah bless him and grant him peace, said," Allah concluded the agreement with the descendants of Adam in Na'man ', ie Arafat: He brought ... any descendants, and they spread out before you to ... and said, 'Am I not your Lord? They said, 'Yes but we do testify! "- That you say on the Day of Resurrection saying,' We were against this careless'. Or you say: 'Our Fathers have previously given Mitgötter, and we were the descendants after them, so you destroy us because of what the scoundrels have done? " (7:172-173) "(Ahmad).
This was a huge day and a tremendous agreement.
The Day of Arafat is the day of forgiveness of sins, the salvation from the hell fire and the pride of Allah on those who are there.
A'isha (r) reported that Allah's Messenger (PBUH) said: "There is no day on which Allah's servants rescued from the fire more than a day of Arafat. He comes closer and expresses his pride in them (the people at Arafat) to the angels and said: , What do they? "'(Muslim).
Abu Huraira reported that Allah's Messenger (PBUH) said: "Allah, the Mighty and Exalted, presses against the angels of his pride in the people of Arafat and said, 'Look at My servants (as) unkempt and full of dust (come to Me) "(Ahmad).
the Day of Arafat is a day on which heard prayers and misdemeanors be erased. It is the day on which Allah to His angels, His pride in the people is expressed, are on the plain of Arafat. It is the day on which Allah perfected Islam and His grace to us fulfilled. And it is a day of forgiveness and salvation from the hell fire.
O Allah, grant that we may soon make the Hajj and plead with you on this special place and this special day for forgiveness. Allah, grant that we may thank your grace and get the best out of these blessed times in our lives and our Hereafter. Amin.
Comments (1) The following statements are based on those on the website. An English translation is on part of the page / articles / dayofarafat.html. The traditions have been translated as the basis of the relevant original sources.
(2) Commander, leader of the faithful.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
24 Hr Walk In Clinics In Toronto
The excellent features of the first ten days of Dhul Hidschaa!
The excellent features of the first ten days of Dhul Hidschaa!
to the blessings of Allah, which that institution is proving servants who heard His determining seasons of obedience. The happy man is the one who recognizes the benefits of these seasons, winning it draws, in which he more 'Ibadah performed, thus prepared for his death, has sent forward good deeds for the Hereafter, that opportunity be missed and fills out his shortcomings.
Among these excellent times, the first ten days of Dhul Hidschaa, those days on which the performing good deeds Allah are the best.
prepare for these significant days:
first Sincere Tauba (Repentance):
The first thing to do, the Muslim is to repent his sins honestly do not accompany with a firm resolve to return to the sins. In Tauba success is for the servant in this world and the hereafter.
second A strong commitment to work hard and to make a profit / benefit from these days:
The one who holds that a firm decision, the Allah helps and guides him right. According to his statement: "Those who struggle on our behalf, will lead WE certainly on our paths (leading to U.S.) (...)" [Surat Al 'Ankabuut (29), ayah 69]
third Keep away from the sins
Just like the good deeds bring services closer to Allah, just as bad deeds enlarge the distance between the servant and Allah and close it off from the mercy of his Lord. And just then the Muslim should especially stay away from bad deeds, because the sins the sacred months (to the Dhul Hidschaa counts) more serious than usual
The excellent features of the first ten days of Dhul Hidschaa:
Allah swearing on these days:
The importance of these days is the oath of Allah expressed and this is a sign enough that these days of great significance are, for Allah swears by nothing, except for something that is significant and important. Allah says: ". At the dawn and the ten nights" [Surat Al Fajr (89), Ayah 1-2]
Most scholars, including Ibn Mufassir3 Kathiir, agreed that with the ten Noechten the first ten days of Dhul Hidschaa are meant.
The sacrifice day is in these days:
follows after the day of 'Arafah the sacrifice day. This regard, the Prophet (sallaALLAHu 'aleihi wa sallam): "Verily, the most valuable days for Allah wa ta'ala tabaraka are the sacrifice day and the day of the Qarr (the day after the sacrifice day, the 11th Dhul Hidschaa)
all important 'Ibadaat be done at that time:
Such was the view of the scholar Ibn Hajar Al Asqalaani that these ten days are marked by characteristic, because at that time all the basic / important' to be jointly performed Ibadaat how prayer, fasting, Donations' Umrah and Hajj. And this reason 'Ibadaat can only be done at that time together.
The importance of good deeds in the first ten days of Dhul Hidschaa:
After you is the excellence of these ten days and it takes precedence over the other days have become aware, should you recognize that this time the grace of ALLAH is because they offer you the opportunity to make a profit from it and bring you closer to Allah.
All the above should tempt you to strive to do many good deeds, especially when you have achieved the following Hadith: The Messenger of Allah
(sallaALLAHu 'Aleihi wa sallam) said:
"There is no deed that is in Allah ta' ala increasingly more, you get more for bigger reward than the good done in one of the ten Opfertagen9 (...)" And the already
mentioned Hadith where the Prophet said (sallaALLAHu 'aleihi wa sallam): "There are no days on which the righteous deed Allah is better than in those ten days."
to the desired action, which All year round should be performed to perform more but at this time are:
first Prayer
is the performing of prayer the largest, most valuable actions and the principal means of drawing near to God. All mandatory actions are given priority, as well as the obligatory prayer, so this must be done with more concentration, humility, and the right time. In a Hadith says Allah Qudsi12 "Nothing, so my man approached me, I would rather have than what I imposed upon him as a duty. But My servant does not cease to be closer to Me through its voluntary deeds until I love him. "
Therefore, the Muslim is still making many voluntary prayers, as the night prayer, to reach out to many prostrations. So said the Messenger of Allah (sallaALLAHu 'aleihi wa sallam): "You shall thy prostration (Sudschuud) increase, as you throw yourself down with no Sajda Allah, except it up thus increased by one step and you thereby reducing your sins. "
second Fasting
It is recommended / allowed to fast during the first nine days because of the Muslim should strive to be is to do as many good deeds as possible, and the fast in those days belonged to the practice of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (sallaALLAHu 'aleihi wa sallam): "The Messenger of Allah (sallaALLAHu'. aleihi wa sallam) used in the (first) nine days of Dhul
Hidschaa fasting (...)" The significance of fasting is the following Hadith Qudsi occupied, says
ALLAH ". Every act is the son of Adam, except fasting which is for me and I reward for it,"
Of great importance is the fasting on the Day of 'Arafah, since this is like previously mentioned, wipes out the sins of the past and coming year.
third Takbir:
The statements of Tahmid (Alhamdulillah), Tahlil (La ilaaha illallah) and Takbir (Allahu akbar) is Sunnah. Sun Bukhari mentioned that the two Sahaba Ibn 'Umar and Abu Hurayra (radiaALLAHu' anhumaa) in the ten days, both to the bazaar went out and made loud Takbir, so that following the other people the Takbir aufsagten.Daher the Muslim Sunnah to stop this practice in any place where it is allowed to mention the name of Allah. This dhikr should be spoken in a loud voice, with each person speaks individually the dhikr. There
According to the righteous ancestors, there are several versions to recite this dhikr:
a) Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, la ilaaha illallah, wALLAHu akbar,
Allahu akbar wa lillahil hamd
[Allah is greater Allah is greater No one is worthy of worship except Allah and Allah is greater and His is the praise]
b) Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar Kabiira
[ALLAH is bigger, bigger is Allah, Allah's is the largest]
c) Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar wa lillahil hamd, Allahu akbar wa Ajale, Allahu akbar 'alaa maa Hadaanaa
[bigger Allah, Allah is greater , Allah is greater and he deserves the praise, Allah is greater and more sublime, Allah is greater, the right path for the ER Us]
to 4; Donations:
This action is also among the righteous deeds, so should the Muslim to perform this good deed in the ten days more. Allah has inspired the Muslims to this fact, with his statement:
"O ye who believe! donate / prints of what We have given you, before the day comes when there is no trade, nor friendship nor intercession (...). "[Surat Al Baqarah (2), ayah 254]
5 . Hajj and 'Umrah
These two acts are among the principal, which can be done in the first ten days of Dhul Hidschaa. So the Messenger of Allah said (sallaALLAHu'aleihi wa sallam): "(...) An accepted Hajj has nothing to reward except Paradise."
Generally, any righteous deed will be increased at this time, such as: Quran read ask for forgiveness, to obey their parents, hospitality, good speech, visit the sick, the good and the bad call prevent
make supplications for himself and others, pursuit of knowledge and much more.
It must not be forgotten that a righteous deed carries with it conditions so that they are accepted by Allah as a good deed:
first Ikhlas (sincerity): One commits this act sincerely for Allah, just to get His approval.
second Sunnah: The action you have to follow the Prophet (sallaALLAHu 'aleihi wa sallam).
The excellent features of the first ten days of Dhul Hidschaa!
to the blessings of Allah, which that institution is proving servants who heard His determining seasons of obedience. The happy man is the one who recognizes the benefits of these seasons, winning it draws, in which he more 'Ibadah performed, thus prepared for his death, has sent forward good deeds for the Hereafter, that opportunity be missed and fills out his shortcomings.
Among these excellent times, the first ten days of Dhul Hidschaa, those days on which the performing good deeds Allah are the best.
prepare for these significant days:
first Sincere Tauba (Repentance):
The first thing to do, the Muslim is to repent his sins honestly do not accompany with a firm resolve to return to the sins. In Tauba success is for the servant in this world and the hereafter.
second A strong commitment to work hard and to make a profit / benefit from these days:
The one who holds that a firm decision, the Allah helps and guides him right. According to his statement: "Those who struggle on our behalf, will lead WE certainly on our paths (leading to U.S.) (...)" [Surat Al 'Ankabuut (29), ayah 69]
third Keep away from the sins
Just like the good deeds bring services closer to Allah, just as bad deeds enlarge the distance between the servant and Allah and close it off from the mercy of his Lord. And just then the Muslim should especially stay away from bad deeds, because the sins the sacred months (to the Dhul Hidschaa counts) more serious than usual
The excellent features of the first ten days of Dhul Hidschaa:
Allah swearing on these days:
The importance of these days is the oath of Allah expressed and this is a sign enough that these days of great significance are, for Allah swears by nothing, except for something that is significant and important. Allah says: ". At the dawn and the ten nights" [Surat Al Fajr (89), Ayah 1-2]
Most scholars, including Ibn Mufassir3 Kathiir, agreed that with the ten Noechten the first ten days of Dhul Hidschaa are meant.
The ten days of Dhul Hidschaa are the best days in this world:
The Messenger of Allah (sallaALLAHu 'aleihi wa sallam) said: "The most excellent days in this world are the ten days (of Dhul Hidschaa)."
In these days of the day of 'Arafah:
The Day of' Arafah is a great and important day. When asked the Prophet (sallaALLAHu 'aleihi wa sallam) about fasting 6 on the day of' Arafah, he replied: "It wipes out the sins of the previous and the next year." In these days of the day of 'Arafah:
The sacrifice day is in these days:
follows after the day of 'Arafah the sacrifice day. This regard, the Prophet (sallaALLAHu 'aleihi wa sallam): "Verily, the most valuable days for Allah wa ta'ala tabaraka are the sacrifice day and the day of the Qarr (the day after the sacrifice day, the 11th Dhul Hidschaa)
all important 'Ibadaat be done at that time:
Such was the view of the scholar Ibn Hajar Al Asqalaani that these ten days are marked by characteristic, because at that time all the basic / important' to be jointly performed Ibadaat how prayer, fasting, Donations' Umrah and Hajj. And this reason 'Ibadaat can only be done at that time together.
The importance of good deeds in the first ten days of Dhul Hidschaa:
After you is the excellence of these ten days and it takes precedence over the other days have become aware, should you recognize that this time the grace of ALLAH is because they offer you the opportunity to make a profit from it and bring you closer to Allah.
All the above should tempt you to strive to do many good deeds, especially when you have achieved the following Hadith: The Messenger of Allah
(sallaALLAHu 'Aleihi wa sallam) said:
"There is no deed that is in Allah ta' ala increasingly more, you get more for bigger reward than the good done in one of the ten Opfertagen9 (...)" And the already
mentioned Hadith where the Prophet said (sallaALLAHu 'aleihi wa sallam): "There are no days on which the righteous deed Allah is better than in those ten days."
to the desired action, which All year round should be performed to perform more but at this time are:
first Prayer
is the performing of prayer the largest, most valuable actions and the principal means of drawing near to God. All mandatory actions are given priority, as well as the obligatory prayer, so this must be done with more concentration, humility, and the right time. In a Hadith says Allah Qudsi12 "Nothing, so my man approached me, I would rather have than what I imposed upon him as a duty. But My servant does not cease to be closer to Me through its voluntary deeds until I love him. "
Therefore, the Muslim is still making many voluntary prayers, as the night prayer, to reach out to many prostrations. So said the Messenger of Allah (sallaALLAHu 'aleihi wa sallam): "You shall thy prostration (Sudschuud) increase, as you throw yourself down with no Sajda Allah, except it up thus increased by one step and you thereby reducing your sins. "
second Fasting
It is recommended / allowed to fast during the first nine days because of the Muslim should strive to be is to do as many good deeds as possible, and the fast in those days belonged to the practice of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (sallaALLAHu 'aleihi wa sallam): "The Messenger of Allah (sallaALLAHu'. aleihi wa sallam) used in the (first) nine days of Dhul
Hidschaa fasting (...)" The significance of fasting is the following Hadith Qudsi occupied, says
ALLAH ". Every act is the son of Adam, except fasting which is for me and I reward for it,"
Of great importance is the fasting on the Day of 'Arafah, since this is like previously mentioned, wipes out the sins of the past and coming year.
third Takbir:
The statements of Tahmid (Alhamdulillah), Tahlil (La ilaaha illallah) and Takbir (Allahu akbar) is Sunnah. Sun Bukhari mentioned that the two Sahaba Ibn 'Umar and Abu Hurayra (radiaALLAHu' anhumaa) in the ten days, both to the bazaar went out and made loud Takbir, so that following the other people the Takbir aufsagten.Daher the Muslim Sunnah to stop this practice in any place where it is allowed to mention the name of Allah. This dhikr should be spoken in a loud voice, with each person speaks individually the dhikr. There
According to the righteous ancestors, there are several versions to recite this dhikr:
a) Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, la ilaaha illallah, wALLAHu akbar,
Allahu akbar wa lillahil hamd
[Allah is greater Allah is greater No one is worthy of worship except Allah and Allah is greater and His is the praise]
b) Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar Kabiira
[ALLAH is bigger, bigger is Allah, Allah's is the largest]
c) Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar wa lillahil hamd, Allahu akbar wa Ajale, Allahu akbar 'alaa maa Hadaanaa
[bigger Allah, Allah is greater , Allah is greater and he deserves the praise, Allah is greater and more sublime, Allah is greater, the right path for the ER Us]
to 4; Donations:
This action is also among the righteous deeds, so should the Muslim to perform this good deed in the ten days more. Allah has inspired the Muslims to this fact, with his statement:
"O ye who believe! donate / prints of what We have given you, before the day comes when there is no trade, nor friendship nor intercession (...). "[Surat Al Baqarah (2), ayah 254]
5 . Hajj and 'Umrah
These two acts are among the principal, which can be done in the first ten days of Dhul Hidschaa. So the Messenger of Allah said (sallaALLAHu'aleihi wa sallam): "(...) An accepted Hajj has nothing to reward except Paradise."
Generally, any righteous deed will be increased at this time, such as: Quran read ask for forgiveness, to obey their parents, hospitality, good speech, visit the sick, the good and the bad call prevent
make supplications for himself and others, pursuit of knowledge and much more.
It must not be forgotten that a righteous deed carries with it conditions so that they are accepted by Allah as a good deed:
first Ikhlas (sincerity): One commits this act sincerely for Allah, just to get His approval.
second Sunnah: The action you have to follow the Prophet (sallaALLAHu 'aleihi wa sallam).
Monday, November 9, 2009
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Milena Velba - Milk! («lakto!»)
hadiths about the prohibition of slander and libel
The prohibition of slander and libel
Allah - exalted is He - says:
"and does not slander one another. Would any of you like to eat the flesh of his dead brother? This detests her. So fear (and) Allah, verily Allah is Oft-Returning, Most Merciful." Sura 49:12
The author (Imam An-Nawawi) says: Know that it is the duty of every adult who is in possession of his mental powers, to guard his tongue from all the empty talk, except when it comes to the well. But when the talking and the silence in this regard does not matter, then the silence is better, according to the (prophetic) tradition, for (such) Illegal chatter could lead to unauthorized or Widerwertigem, which happens often in general. There is nothing that can replace the harm.
Hadith 1511 Abu Huraira (r) narrated: The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: "If you (really) believe in Allah and the Last Day, should speak good, or he must be silent!"
(Al-Bukhari and Muslim)
The author commented: This hadith clearly shows that the Muslim should not talk, except when he says good by it comes to his health. If he doubts, he should keep quiet.
Hadith 1512 Abu Musa (r) reported: I said to the Prophet (peace be upon him): "O Messenger of Allah, which Muslims are the best" He (peace and blessings be upon him) said: "He is safe from his tongue and hand Muslims!"
(Al-Bukhari and Muslim)
Hadith 1513 Ibn Sahl Sa'd reported: The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: "Whoever with me for what guarantees between his jaws and that which is between his thighs, which I guarantee Paradise. "
(Al-Bukhari and Muslim)
Hadith 1514 Abu Huraira (r) reported: I heard the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) say: "Verily, the servant talks (many words) to be without consideration, which makes him slip deeper and further into hell fire, as the Distance between East and West. "
(Al-Bukhari and Muslim)
Hadith 1515 Abu Huraira (r) narrated: The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: "The servant loses blithely the word that Allah causes pleasure, why Allah did in ranks (of Paradise) increased and the servant carelessly loses the word, making it the wrath of Allah - may He be exalted - tightens, why he descends into hell. "
Hadith 1516 Abu 'Abd-ur-Rahman Bilal Ibn Al-Harith Al-Muzani (r) narrated: The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: "The man speaks many words what the good pleasure of Allah - is exalted He - causes, without losing any of its tremendous impact on think why Allah gives him His good pleasure, until he (the Day of Judgement) is true and the person loses the word, making it the wrath of Allah incurs, without thinking of its powerful effect, so it meets the wrath of Allah until he (the Day of Judgement) scores.
(Malik and At-Tirmidi, with the comment: a good to strong Hadith)
Hadith 1517 Sufyan ibn 'Abdullah (r) reported: I said to the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him): "O Messenger of Allah, tell me a word about Islam, what I consider myself!" He said: "Say: I believe in Allah, then be maintained in accordance with good faith!" I said, "O Messenger of Allah, what most frightens me?" Then he took his own tongue and said, "This!"
(At-Tirmidid, with the comment: a good to strong Hadith)
Hadith 1518 Ibn 'Umar (r) narrated: The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: "Do not talk much, except by Allah remember, because a lot of talk without Allah - He is exalted - intend to lead to hardness of heart! Truly man is the furthest from Allah is the one who Dessner heart (against the remembrance of Allah) is hardened, "
Hadith 1519 Abu Huraira (r) video reportage: The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: "Allah Who's the harm what between his Pines, and the evil of that which takes between his thighs, comes to Paradise "
(At-Tirmidi, with the comment: A good hadith)!
Hadith 1520 'Uqba Ibn' Amir (r) reported: I said: "O Messenger of Allah, what is salvation", he said: "Bridle your tongue be content, you with your house as a refuge (from temptation) and was remorseful because of your sin!"
(At-Tirmidi, with the comment: A good hadith)
Hadith 1521 Abu Sa'id Al-Khudri (r) narrated: The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: "If the son of Adam morgends wakes up, plead with all his limbs, the tongue: 'Fear Allah for our benefit, for we are with you. (In terms of reward or punishment) If you're honest upright, we are also fair, and if you are dishonest, we are equally dishonest!
Hadith 1522 Mu'ad ( r) reported: I said, "O Messenger of Allah, teach me about an act that brings me to Paradise and me from the hell fire, he replied." Verily, you asked for something important, and yet it is easy for him to whom Allah - may He be exalted - makes it easy: You shall not (alone) Allah and serve Him not associate to perform the obligatory prayers, pay Zakat-duty tax, fasting during Ramadan and perform the Hajj pilgrimage to the House (of Allah in Mecca) "Then he added:" Should not I zzeigen the gates of goodness ? The fast that it is a protection that the charity, it deletes the iniquity like water, the fire extinguished, and the prayer of the people in the middle of the night "Then he recited:". Their sides draw away from (their) beds, they call on their Lord in fear and hope, and give of what We have sent them. . But no one knows what is hidden from the eye for it as a reward for what they used to do "Then he said:" I do not set up ? Informed of the basis of the whole, whose supporting pillars and the top tip "I said," But yes, O Messenger of Allah, "He said:" The basis of the whole of Islam, its supporting pillars are the obligatory prayers and the tip of the use is for ! the cause of Allah "Then he added:" Shall I not teach you about the essential condition of the whole "I said," But yes, O Messenger of Allah "as he grabbed his (own) tongue and said," Hold this ! of you from "I said:" Oh Prophet of Allah, we will talk about for our be punished "as he said:" Woe to your mother! What else can the people in Hell-fire crash down on their faces, except for the harvest of their tongues "
(At-Tirmidi, with the comment: a good to strong Hadith)?
The author notes: This Hadith has already been treated .
Hadith 1523 Abu Huraira (r) narrated: The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) asked us : "Do you know what libel is" Man said, "Allah and His Messenger know best "He said:".. Your mention of things about your brother who can not bear it, "said one:" And if my brother is in what I say about him, "He said:" If he in is what you said about him, it is slander, and if in him is not what you say about him, you have slandered him, "
Hadith 1524 Abu Bakra
(r) narrated: The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said in his sermon on the day of sacrifice at Mina during the farewell pilgrimage: "Truly your blood, your wealth and your honor each other inviolable sacred as the sanctuary of your present day, in this month and your in this your city. Have I nciht (the message) clearly conveyed? "
(Al-Bukhari and Muslim)
Hadith 1525 'A'isha (r) reported: I said to the Prophet (peace be upon him): "It is enough to you that so and Safiya" - Say the narrators, she said (r), Safiya (r) is a short - as he said (s): "You said mixed would be a word that would change the sea water, it was with him!" You (r) also reported: "I have imitated him in front of a man, as he said:" I would never want to imitate a man even if I would get for such "
(Abu Dawud and At! -Tirmidi, with the comment: a good to strong Hadith)
The author explains: "Change" The word means "destroy, so that the taste or odor of the water has been affected because of the stench and corruption of the words they say." This is an explicit prohibition of slander (of Allah), Allah - exalted is He - says (about him). "And he does not speak out of desire, it is a revelation that is revealed" Sura 53:3-4
Hadith 1526 Anas (r) reported: The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: "During my Ascension I came upon people whose fingernails of copper were, and which are their own faces and breasts mangled. I said," O Gabriel, who are ? this "He said," These are the ones who speak ill of others and violate their honor "
(Abu Dawud)
Hadith 1527 Abu Huraira (r) narrated: The Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace be upon him) said: ". Every Muslim blood, property and honor are any (other) Muslim holy untouchable"
Compiled by Mumina and with their permission taken over and this set!
The prohibition of slander and libel
Allah - exalted is He - says:
"and does not slander one another. Would any of you like to eat the flesh of his dead brother? This detests her. So fear (and) Allah, verily Allah is Oft-Returning, Most Merciful." Sura 49:12
" Not a word he brings (the man) out, without a vigilant guardian is with him . Sura 50:18
The author (Imam An-Nawawi) says: Know that it is the duty of every adult who is in possession of his mental powers, to guard his tongue from all the empty talk, except when it comes to the well. But when the talking and the silence in this regard does not matter, then the silence is better, according to the (prophetic) tradition, for (such) Illegal chatter could lead to unauthorized or Widerwertigem, which happens often in general. There is nothing that can replace the harm.
Hadith 1511 Abu Huraira (r) narrated: The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: "If you (really) believe in Allah and the Last Day, should speak good, or he must be silent!"
The author commented: This hadith clearly shows that the Muslim should not talk, except when he says good by it comes to his health. If he doubts, he should keep quiet.
Hadith 1512 Abu Musa (r) reported: I said to the Prophet (peace be upon him): "O Messenger of Allah, which Muslims are the best" He (peace and blessings be upon him) said: "He is safe from his tongue and hand Muslims!"
(Al-Bukhari and Muslim)
(Al-Bukhari and Muslim)
(Al-Bukhari and Muslim)
Hadith 1516 Abu 'Abd-ur-Rahman Bilal Ibn Al-Harith Al-Muzani (r) narrated: The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: "The man speaks many words what the good pleasure of Allah - is exalted He - causes, without losing any of its tremendous impact on think why Allah gives him His good pleasure, until he (the Day of Judgement) is true and the person loses the word, making it the wrath of Allah incurs, without thinking of its powerful effect, so it meets the wrath of Allah until he (the Day of Judgement) scores.
(At-Tirmidid, with the comment: a good to strong Hadith)
(At-Tirmidi, with the comment: A good hadith)!
(At-Tirmidi, with the comment: A good hadith)
(At-Tirmidi, with the comment: a good to strong Hadith)?
The author notes: This Hadith has already been treated .
Hadith 1523 Abu Huraira (r) narrated: The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) asked us : "Do you know what libel is" Man said, "Allah and His Messenger know best "He said:".. Your mention of things about your brother who can not bear it, "said one:" And if my brother is in what I say about him, "He said:" If he in is what you said about him, it is slander, and if in him is not what you say about him, you have slandered him, "
Hadith 1524 Abu Bakra
(Al-Bukhari and Muslim)
(Abu Dawud and At! -Tirmidi, with the comment: a good to strong Hadith)
The author explains: "Change" The word means "destroy, so that the taste or odor of the water has been affected because of the stench and corruption of the words they say." This is an explicit prohibition of slander (of Allah), Allah - exalted is He - says (about him). "And he does not speak out of desire, it is a revelation that is revealed" Sura 53:3-4
Hadith 1526 Anas (r) reported: The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: "During my Ascension I came upon people whose fingernails of copper were, and which are their own faces and breasts mangled. I said," O Gabriel, who are ? this "He said," These are the ones who speak ill of others and violate their honor "
(Abu Dawud)
Compiled by Mumina and with their permission taken over and this set!
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