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<. Als der Prophet das Gebet beendete, drehte er sich zu uns und sagte, > <, denn wenn er dies sagt, dpnn wird dies für alle frommen Diener Allahs im Himmel und auf der Erde sein. <" [Bukhari] Der islamische Friedensgruß ist keine menschliche Erfindung, sondern eine göttliche Anweisung von Allah Subhanahu wa ta ’ala an Adam (a.s.), damit Adams Nachfahren wissen wie sie grüßen müssen. Abu Huraira berichtete, dass der Gesandte Allahs sagte: "Als Allah Adam [sich ähnlich] erschuf. Er war 60 Armeslänge lang. Er schickte Adam zu einer Gruppe Engel, und befahl ihm diese [mit Salaam] zu grüßen und darauf zu achten wie sie zurückgrüßen, denn dies wird die Begrüßung von Adam und seine Nachfahren sein. Adam ging und grüße mit > BismillahirRahmanirRahim <, darauf antworteten die Engel mit > <. Also erweiterten die Engel den Gruß mit > <." [ Bukhari] Allah schickte auch zu Prophet Ibrahim (a.s.) Engel, die ihn begrüßten mit dem Friedensgruß: "Wurde dir der Bericht über Ibrahims gewürdigte Gäste zuteil?! Als sie zu ihm eintraten und sagten: “Salam (sei mit dir)!“ Er sagte: “Salam (sei mit euch), ihr unbekannte Leute! “" [Sure 51:24,25] Tatsache ist, das alle Propheten in der Geschichte des Islams auf diese Art und Weise die Menschen grüßten. Allah segnete sie alle mit Frieden und sie kamen mit der Botschaft Salaam zu den Leuten, denn “Salaam“ (Friede) ist ein wesentlicher Bestandteil des Islams. Auch wir sollen die Gläubigen die zu uns kommen, mit As-Salamu ’alaikum empfangen.... "Und wenn zu dir diejenigen kommen, die den Iman an Unsere Ayat verinnerlicht haben, so sag:,Salam sei mit euch.’..." [Sure 6:54] ..und mit einem noch schöneren Gruß zurückgrüßen, wenn wir begrüßt werden: "Und wenn ihr mit einem Gruß gegrüßt werdet, dann grüßt zurück: mit einem Besseren als ihm oder gebt ihn in gleicher Weise zurück. Gewiß, ALLAH bleibt immer über alles Zur-Rechenschaft." [Sure 4:86] Der Gesandte Allahs (.) führte uns in der Praxis genau vor, was mit “grüßt zurück mit einem Besseren als ihm“ ( siehe oben Sure 4, Vers 86) gemeint ist. Von ’Imran ibn Al-Hussain wurde berichtet: "Ein Mann kam zum Propheten (.) und sagte: “As-Salamu ’a1aikum “. Er erwiderte den Gniß, und der Mann setzte sich. Der Prophet sagte: “Zehn (entsprechend der Belohnung von zehn guten Tafen),“ Dann kam noch ein Mann und sagte: “As-Salamu ’alaikum wa Rahmatullahi (Friede sei mit euch und die Barmherzigkeit A1lahs).“ Er erwiderte den Gruß, und der Mann setzte sich. Der Prophet sagte: “Zwanzig (entsprechend der Belohnung von zwanzig guten Taten). “ Dann kam noch ein Mann und sagte: “As-Salamu ’alaikum wa Rahmatul1ahi wa Barakatuh (friede sei mit euch und die Barmherzigkeit Allahs und Sein Segen).“ Er erwiderte den Gruß, und der Man setzte sich. Der Prophef sagte: “Dreizig (entsprechend der Belohnung von dreizig guten Taten." [Abu Dawud & Tirmizi] Auch Mu’az Ibn Anas erzählte diesen Hadith, aber er fügte hinzu: "Dann kam noch ein Mann und sagte: “As-Salamu ’alaikum wa Ruhmatullahi wa Barakatuh wa maghfieratuhu (Friede sei mit euch und die Barmherzigkeit Allahs und Sein Segen und Seine Vergebung).“ Und der Prophet sagte: “Vierzig. “ Und er sagte: “So vergrößern sich die Belohnungen. “ Wenn wir gegrüßt werden, sollen wir zumindest den Gruß mit wa alaikumu-Salaam erwidem, aber besser ist es mit “wa Rahmahdlahi wa Barakatuh“ (und die Barmherzigkeit und Segen Allahs) zurück zu grüßen." [Abu Dawud & Tirmizi] Auch A’ischa (a) erweiterte den Gruß, den Djibriel (Gabriel) ihr durch den Propheten (s.a.a.w.s) ausrichten ließ, “mit einem Besseren“ A’ischa () berichtete, dass der Prophet sagte: "O A’ischa! Das ist Djibriel (Gabriel), er schickt seine Grüße an Dich.“ Sie sagte: “Ich sagte, >
Oh you,
of the love of Allah
Lasse not that the end of Ramadan
for you, the end of good deeds means.
therefore take this opportunity and true fast in Shawwal
, <> so you a year almost to be written down and you <> Allah and His <>
come closer.
And what's more important than the
love Allaah be achieved?
<<> The Ramadhaan has passed away, but the infinite mercy of our Lord
around us continue wa lillaahi al-hamd and the next opportunity is given to us: Sunday, September 27, 2009
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Friday, September 25, 2009Causes Of Snoring With Mouth Closed
Al Malal · About Grew practice of sport activities BismillahirRahmanirRahim and lazy to be Al Malal (boredom) If a person feels he has nothing to do or bored is In a time when the Muslims with the removal of the oppressive regimes and tyrannical apostate rulers should be busy, we see that instead of studying Western civilization to attack them, destroy and to uncover, they study it for their own benefit and therefore this and affected part or parts of the Western civilization (KufrGesellschaft) be. It is a phenomenon in the Western (kufr) way of life that if you has nothing to do or bored, is searching for something to "kill time " to. There is no such a concept in Islam, such as "kill time" boredom or and this disease affects a large proportion of Muslims, men and women . This disease of "killing time" manifests itself in many forms and the effects can be seen in a person involved in a of the following: · Music listening · Smoking · Cruise · Television run away · from obligations to go on holiday Piknicks broadcast. • Daily socialization, with the intention to have fun and kill time. · sleeping a lot and auschillen · cheap newspapers, magazines and novels to read, etc., instead of much more useful and more serious Reading books like the Quran, books of ahaadeeth, Islamic articles, etc. · Games play · cross word puzzle solving · on phone for hours chatting | • In the Internet without the need
· go on the market in cinemas and eat at restaurants from going
· With friends hanging around
° around jokes and sarcastic. The effects of this disease, called alMalal (boredom) is destructive due to the fact that it affects all people. Some people
could say that it is fate, we can not change it and it not deserve much attention. In any case, if we look at it seriously and the negative effects of alMalal study in several areas of life
, we can summarize its effects in five main categories: first The wasting of large opportunities for a variety good deeds, worship and obedience to accomplish The majority of the people who deal with the boredom can not fulfill their own obligations and
give it up quickly. Then they will stop to consummate the Nawaafil (additional) activities and Sunan, to read Islamic history and to carry the Da'wah (by not visited
items, discussions, rallies, etc.) or to prepare for Jihad etc. If you talk to them, "Let us go to a discussion give it up quickly. Then they will stop to consummate the Nawaafil (additional) activities and Sunan, to read Islamic history and to carry the Da'wah (by not visited
" or "Let's go to a demonstration," they say: "We are
not in the mood" or "There is only a Sunnah".
They are also bored and made it feel to perform its obligations to
. (Da'wah, to forbid evil, etc.), but for entertainment
(eating, and crack jokes watching TV, etc.) they will be the first to do it
and if it is not done, they are extremely annoying. Therefore,
brothers and sisters, be attentive and adapts to the disease alMalal
from to. How many occasions of worship and obedience
were missed due to this disease?
second The failure in the fulfillment of objectives, responsibilities and ambitions AlMalal
distracted by a serious work (da'wah etc.) and
of serious motivation, examines each person what it resulted in the failure to
fulfillment of objectives, duties and responsibilities. If a person is
a student and has this disease, there is no doubt that he will not make
his studies. If the person is a worker,
he will ignore his duties and in the same way a woman will neglect their duties to
her husband and children.
We can see how many people were affected by this disease.
Instead of all means of success to take part, they begin to waste valuable time
... never the seed at the right time in the ground putting, always
things at the last minute errands and becoming so lazy. If a hall
or center for meetings or discussions will be needed, we never give it
events, since they do nothing, to search for it, resulting in
sadness, depression and demotivation.
third The waste of money, time and life those who suffer from alMalal
will always be busy with unimportant things and
entertainment. You will always waste time and when
always there is a chance for a vacation, they will try to reach
maximum fun, even if it could the most important time of their life
be wasted and could be called to account
4th Deep in sin and error fall
due to the pressure of this disease, he will always make credible
is that it bored and looking at ways in which he "can kill time",
by whatever means, including by Haraam, often with the excuse that the
did not allow him enough satisfaction and rest there. escorted to watch movies, listen to music, smoke cigarettes or
Schiischah and corrupt people in the school, college or university
, because of their good and Kompanenschaft
jokes: he will start
to go over the limit also. He is
begin to use drugs to leave the Salaah and
sinks deeper and deeper. It is never about the consequences this disease
ask more questions on how to treat it from the Qur'an and Sunnah
, but he will reject it and say: "Life is short"
or "I have recently done so much, make me a break . make "
action exists for anyone who wants it. If you really want to get rid of this disease
, you must be serious in the solution and you sincerely want to get rid of it
. It does not take practical steps to healing
still a difficult program. All you need is a
, complete full back to get his diyne to strengthen his Imaan
to improve its Aquiidah and Ibaadah (Worship) to
multiply. 10 simple steps to cure this disease are as follows: first
Tahdiif ulHadaf
- set your goals and specify
This is the main curation against boredom, because the aim
most affected people reach their targets on physical aspects. When asked
"What are your goals," he will say, "Doctor to be" or
"businessman" etc. His main goals in life is left very little time
as for rituals and obedience. While
if he is a greater purpose in his life even define what constitutes the
total obedience to Allah (The main purpose for Allah has created him
), which will make him obedient to Allah leaves his
overall importance of obedience to him and his life with the
commands of Allah (SWT) and His Messenger (SAS) control. He will never
hate to love or to do anything, except in accordance with the
Scharii'ah and will find the true meaning of life.
has Nonetheless predetermined Allah to Muslims, like others, that they of
have time to time concerns, fears, sadness and boredom in some things
, but the unique thing about Muslim, that only a very short
time elapses, ie half an hour or ten minutes because he
grieve is to commit any sins or to waste time.
second Fill and perfect all Waajibat (duties)
Every Muslim who truly believes in Islam, not only by talking but also by deeds
will halt all of its obligations as Da'wah,
the good and forbid the evil,
fulfill responsibilities towards his parents, etc.. If he does, he does it with complete planning and
third compete in good deeds.
people vie always DunyaaAngelegenheiten such as cars, electrical appliances
, houses etc. but if the competition is doing good, how
Da'wah, Knowledge search, etc. turns, then it will destroy the disease of boredom
and no time is left over, the "kill" you could.
Compete in the good deeds by the following: first
Try to compete where you meet more obligations.
to rival the best way to do something regularly and meet all
his columns and conditions.
second Regularly recite Quran. Five, six or ten pages
per day, or at least one juz '(section) per month
third Prayer and maintained in the Jama'ah in the Masjid or elsewhere
pray 4th Salaat udDuha every morning after Fajr prayer
5th The 6 Days of Shawwal
and fast on Mondays and Thursdays
6th So much Sadaqah (donations) to give, how can
4th Keep away from sin and disobedience
sin and disobedience is deadly with his poison, as well as a
scorpion when it strikes his opponent and the opponent makes
sick and weak.
5th Every day, make dhikr and Du'aa
Islam has a complete dhikr (remembrance of Allah) for each
aspect of life, from the time when one wakes up to the prayer,
the look in the mirror and you leave the house etc . (see Hisnul
6th Fill your time with something that you concerning your duties
uses If anyone has time to do something useful, like writing a leaflet to attend
a discussion, to write articles and to invite people to
to discuss about Islam etc.
7th Live in a good clean environment with no
Be or not go with bad friends, or 8 in a mixed environment, etc. Free
The Da'wah
take the appropriate collective carrying the Da'wah with brothers / sisters and the other
remember about the obligations and rewards. The Prophet
Muhammad (SAW) said, "Preach to me, and if it is only a
Ayaah "and" If Allah guides your hand through a person who is
this better than all the camels in Iraq. "
9th Be patient and steadfast with gratitude and remember the
tests of Allah (SWT)
10th Get involved in Mubaah (permitted) activities
For example, the joint study in open areas.
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